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Tips from a successful self-employed consultant

Updated: May 18, 2021

In economics we study "scarcity" since our Capital(money) and time(labor) is limited; from that standpoint I focus on studying the best theories or methods to maximize business profits, in the process I learned that numbers by themselves are not enough we need a high percentage of human skills in order to succeed.

Technical skills, these are acquire mainly by studying and learning from professors or in practical scenarios like in the workplace. Many new business owners does not know what they don't know therefore we are able to guide them in which processes lead to an efficient administration of a business creating more profits and also more importantly liberating time for the entrepreneur.

Human skills are one of the most difficult ones to acquire since most of the persons posses this traits by their cultural environment and self-temperament. Anyways an experience manager of customer service representative can identify which are needed in the type of business that you are trying to get into

You can start any business, but more likely you will succeed if you are passionate about the line of business that you select also having the proper planning and guidance will help a lot; just think that every product/service that you see right now around your room was an "idea" at a moment, but that person decided to take the next step and create something out of thin air and that my friends is "Magical".

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